

우리는 PDF 파일로 생산적인 것에 대해 씁니다. 에 가져 당신의 의해DeftPDF를 참조하십시오 , 오픈 소스 엔진에 의해 구동 풍부한 PDF 도구 세트를 사용하기 쉽습니다.

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How to validate eSignatures

In the old days when sealing a contract meant signing on paper, signatures were manually...

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How to draw on documents like ink markings

So you want to annotate your PDF files as if you were drwaing on it...

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How to Know if your PDF is being tracked

We all worry that one day, all of our activities will be tracked down by...

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How to convert TIFF to PDF

If you’re a regular joe, you would probably ask, what is TIFF and...

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How to cite PDF files and links

Citing a PDF in your document is no different than citing a book or a...

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How to transfer files from mobile to Windows

We are fortunate in this day and age to have such wonderful developments and several...

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How to convert files to PDF without changing the share link in Google Drive

You’re finally done with your eBook and you decided to upload the file...

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How to backdate PDF files

When your files and documents gets corrupted or catches a virus, it is possible that...

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How embed fonts in Word when saving as PDF

Sending, transferring or uploading Word documents and PDF files doesn’t always turn out...

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How to save each cell in Excel into a JPEG

We can always save a document into PDF, we can save each excel sheet into...

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How to convert Java to PDF

What is Java anyway? Java is a programming language made by Sun Microsystems in 1995. It...

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How to Split text by a specific indicator

PDF can be split and extracted easily using simple tools. In fact, you can even...

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How to add GIF in your PDF

No matter how many kinds of image formats are released, an animated GIF is still...

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How to Google Search PDF

Google searching a PDF can be understood in two ways – first, it can be...

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How to set up a default PDF reader for all users in one computer

In one of our past articles, we’ve mentioned how to change your default...

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How to Make PDF SEO friendly

Google has been indexing PDF files online since 2001 and believe it or not, it has...

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