

우리는 PDF 파일로 생산적인 것에 대해 씁니다. 에 가져 당신의 의해DeftPDF를 참조하십시오 , 오픈 소스 엔진에 의해 구동 풍부한 PDF 도구 세트를 사용하기 쉽습니다.

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How to Get a PDF to Read Aloud

Making computers talk is one of the things people enjoy the most. It’s...

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How to Extract Embedded PDF Online

Information is everywhere online – from blogs, to websites, social media, email and chat rooms...

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How to Disable Copy Paste to PDFs

PDF files are certainly secure and the safest way to distribute data online. This is...

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How to Create and Scan a QR code on your PDF

Barcodes, QR codes – both of these are interesting components of a document or an...

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How to Print 4 Pages Per Sheet in Adobe

Printing is not just limited to one page per sheet, it can be done in...

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How to Save Linkedin Profile as a PDF

Finding work is indeed challenging during these times where we are all facing a global...

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How to Remove all Hyperlinks in PDF

In our previous article we’ve discussed how great and how helpful hyperlinks can...

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How to Create a Link to Jump to a Page

PDF files are certainly the most popular format and have been widely used in businesses...

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How to Create a New PDF with Bookmarks

PDFs have been known as the universal format all over the world but even though...

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How to Add Objects in your PDF

Any kind of image is relatively simple to insert into a document, even a PDF...

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How to Create a PDF with Accessibility Features

While there are a handful of PDFs available on the internet, there are only a...

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How to Set up Print to PDF

While this is a known and standard option, not all computers have this option, especially...

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How to Print PDF

Printing PDF and Printing to PDF are two different things.  When we say Printing...

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How to Earn from PDF

PDF files are known to be the most popular document and this is because back...

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How to Track if your PDF Password was Removed

A recent question has captured our attention and made us wonder of the infinite possibilities...

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How to Merge One PDF page to Multiple PDFs

Have you ever had that moment where you created a ton of digital PDF documents...

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