

우리는 PDF 파일로 생산적인 것에 대해 씁니다. 에 가져 당신의 의해DeftPDF를 참조하십시오 , 오픈 소스 엔진에 의해 구동 풍부한 PDF 도구 세트를 사용하기 쉽습니다.

Different Types of Watermarks

PDF Watermarks are information stamped or marked on the document, data or image and shows...

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How to Translate Word to Spanish PDF

So, you’re stuck with a word file that you’ve been longing...

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Why you Need to Compress and Optimize your PDF

Compression – a term used when you reduce the storage that the file takes up...

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6 Reasons Why N-up is Important

N-up by definition is pre-rendering pages for your PDF project so that it will be...

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Why they Made Different Papers for your PDF

There’s a short answer to the question written in the title and that...

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5 Different Ways to Split PDF

Did you know that aside from splitting by pages, you can also split your PDF...

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5 Creative Footers for your PDF

When you look at the bottom of your book or your letter, you will find...

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How to Remove the Padding on your PDF

What are paddings anyway and how do we benefit from them?

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Why they Made Grayscale

Tones in different shades limited to black, white and what’s in between &ndash...

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How to Continue Bates Numbering from One File to Another

If there was a way to label each page and individually give an identity to...

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PDF Hacks
7 Tricks on How to Use Merge Tool and Maximize it

In our previous articles, we’ve shared how to manage your PDF files with...

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How to Convert ePub to PDF

eBook and ePub are interchangeable terms that most readers get confused over. These terms are...

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How to Add Designs to your PDF

The impact of design is rather belittled by many when in truth, the power you...

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3 Rotation Hacks to Help you Correct PDF Pages

Now in this article, we’re showing you three different situations that need three...

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How to Alternate Pages When Mixing Multiple PDF Files

Have you ever had the task of combining two files and alternating each page in...

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5 Tools that Allow you to Delete PDF Pages

Do you need to remove specific pages off a PDF file? Notice that you cannot...

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