Plenty of you may have wondered what DeftPDF has to offer and how it differs from the official PDF creator, Adobe. This is not an unusual question. While Adobe has numerous offers which honestly can be quite confusing for a beginner, we only have one type of plan and that is – FREE. The only tool we charge with is PDF translator and that doesn’t need a subscription either, just a small fraction of a charge for every 10000 words.
With regard to features, we’re here prepared to provide a comparison between Adobe plans and DeftPDF. But before we dig deep into this, let’s make it simple and keep it within individual plans:
There are seven types of subscription plans that Adobe has to offer for individuals – the Adobe Acrobat PDF pack, E signatures pack, Adobe reader, Acrobat Online tools, Export PDF, Adobe Standard DC, and Adobe Acrobat Pro.
The most basic pack from Adobe is Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. This tool is free to download and install anytime but shows limited tools for users. It was mainly created to allow readers to view PDF documents and let them comment, annotate, print, sign, collect, and track feedback. You can also share your PDF file to multiple readers and get real-time consolidated feedback however there is a limit in usage.
Unlike Adobe Reader DC that needs to be downloaded, Acrobat Export PDF is a cloud service that operates with your web browser or your Adobe Acrobat reader desktop software or your Adobe Reader mobile. The main function of this feature is to turn PDF files into Word, Excel, or Text format and it converts not only the content but also the font and formatting. In terms of pricing, it’s only $1.99 a month and can be used on its own just by logging in into your account online or using it together with the free Adobe Reader. While a dollar of monthly subscription seems fair, we can only comment that this is actually already applicable to Word and Excel and can do without this pack. Just simply open the PDF document using Word and Excel and it will convert on its own.
If you’re not so keen on installing the Adobe Acrobat Reader and need something that is accessible anywhere without your computer, Adobe Online tools can probably work for you. This tool offers free limited services online with only one requirement – logging in using integrated accounts like google, apple or Adobe account OR creating an account with them. Basically, what this pack features are converting any file type to PDF, converting PDF to an Image file, compress, signing PDF, requesting signatures, sharing files, and storing them online. If this is too limiting for you, then there's more plans that might be better for you.
Adobe Acrobat PDF Pack is a $9.99 deal that offers most of its tools but online. Meaning you cannot install and use it on your computer unless it's online. But it’s if you’re trying to save money but prefer the basics of Adobe Acrobat Standard, this is probably your safe haven. This pack includes features such as converting documents and images to PDF (or vice versa), combining, compressing, sharing files and keeping track of all feedbacks, organize pages, fill and sign with eSignatures, sharing of files for signature, storing files online and tracking it. What’s great about this plan is the fact that it doesn’t trick you on to annual commitments as it’s simply a monthly plan you can terminate anytime but it’s on a limited time offer and can possibly increase at $14 - $15 dollars plus taxes, which Adobe states as its regular price.
Still not enough tools? There’s more. You can opt for the complete Adobe Acrobat DC complete PDF solution that comes in two kinds – the Acrobat Standard DC or the Acrobat Pro DC. Both can convert PDF to any file format (and vice versa), EDIT existing texts and images (with limited editing capabilities on images), fill and sign forms, add electronic signatures, share and track these activities, review and annotate, open and view protected files, integrate to your online storage, add password encryptions, combine, compress, organize pages, watermark, add bookmarks, add page numberings, and work with certificate signatures.
What’s Pro got to offer that the standard doesn’t then? Well, if you’re just using this at home and not really collaborating much with suppliers or external readers for your PDF, the standard may suffice for your needs. What Adobe did was to add some work-centric features that are usually used by specialists. This is suitable for small businesses and professional individuals who need to submit or pass on their work to organizations, legal means, or to other businesses. This includes features such as allowing PDF comparison, measures objects in the PDF, adding the OCR tool that allows conversion of scanned text into a searchable and readable format, validate the PDF’s standards for archiving, accessibility or graphic exchange, redact, add multimedia, adding bates numbering, JavaScript interactivity, preflight files for printing, and allowing tool usage on mobile or tablet. In terms of price, there’s a $2 dollar difference between the pro and the standard (starting at $12.99-$14.99 monthly plus vat for annual commitment) and if you’re the type that might need these pro features soon, then that $2 dollars won’t hurt much.
Adobe Acrobat Pro with E-sign is another addition to the subscription options with a pricing of $14.99 with annual commitment or $24.99 monthly with no annual commitment. You can also opt for the annual prepaid which is billed at $179.88 a year. This is perfect for those businesses that need a legally binding and secure transaction with added features that are e-signature centric.
So what’s DeftPDF.com do and don’t have as a comparison to those complicated subscription plans? Well, as mentioned above, we don’t have various plans because we only have one FREE plan that doesn’t even require you to subscribe to. We offer all the standard features that Adobe offers for free and we don’t require users to install or sign in to anything. Just simply go to the website using your browser and start using the free tools! Though we do admit that we don’t offer validations, JavaScript interactivity, preflight for printing, or collaborative editing but we do offer features that can allow every home individual may need. We made things simple here at DeftPDF and we want to keep it that way for your sake!