
On monia syitä luoda PDF eBook verkossa. Se voi tuoda lisäarvoa verkkosivustollesi,lisätä hyvän lisän profiiliisi tai olla lisätuloja pitkällä aikavälillä. PDF e-kirjoja on myös helppo luoda ja kaikki mitä tarvitset on yksinkertaisia työkaluja tehdä yksi. Let & rsquo; s aloittaa tietämällä,mitä eBook on ja mitä työkaluja tarvitset.
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Mikä on eBook?
eBook kirjaimellisesti tarkoittaa & ldquo; elektroninen kirja & rdquo; ja kuten on kuvattu Wikipediasta,it is “a book publication made available in digital form,consisting of text,images,taiboth,readable on the& nbsp;litteä näyttö& nbsp;of computers taiother electronic devices.” With the availability of eBooks online,consumers are able to afford more books and access it immediately as soon as it is purchased and downloaded. In some cases,some popular websites and bloggers give out eBooks ftaifree to be able to attract more readers.
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Miksi sinun pitäisi luoda eBook?
Kuten edellä mainittiin,eBook on loistava lisä profiiliisi tai verkkosivustoosi,koska se lisää altistumista ja arvoa sinulle. e-kirjat valmistetaan yleensä yhteensopivilla tiedostoilla,kuten PDF-tiedostoilla ja ne jaetaan helposti verkossa. PDF-tiedostoja helposti saatavilla lukija & rsquo; s pöytäkoneet,brändi muistuttaa usein saavutetaan ja ihmiset ovat usein muistutetaan sivuston tai profiilin,joka pitkällä aikavälillä voi muuntaa tuloja. EBook on myös toinen tapa ansaita verkossa,koska voit myydä eBook suosituilla sivustoilla,kutenAmazonin,Lulu taieven in your own website. Lastly,creating your own eBook can also get you,loyal subscribers. Consumers and readers nowadays are hungry ftaisomething free taisomething they can instantly get and what better way to introduce yourself to them than to provide them a little taste of your content!
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Työkalut,joilla pääset alkuun
When starting out,creating an eBook doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have complicated software to be able to achieve this. In fact,your handy tools are readily available right in your laptops as common programs you use every day.
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Työkaluja varten -Voit aloittaa tavallisella Microsoft Word- tai Google-dokumentilla. Jotkut ihmiset ovat taiteellisesti ja luovasti taipuvaisia kirjoittamaan PowerPointissa tai Keynotessa,ja voit myös tehdä tämän visuaalisesti stimuloidaksesi mieltäsi tai kuvittele kuvia kirjoittamallasi sanoilla.
Suunnittelutyökaluja varten & ndash; Aloittelijoille suositellaan yleensä palkata ammattimaisia suunnittelijoita luomaan e-kirjojensa ja kansien suunnittelumallin. Voit helposti palkata näitä suunnittelijoita suosituissa sivustoissa,kuten- Fiverr,Upwork tai99mallia. If you have a little to advance experience in designing,your best bet to do this on your own is using online tools such as Canva taiusing your own tools such as Photoshop.
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Vaiheet, jotka sinun täytyy luoda paras eBook
Vaihe yksi: Kirjoita
As most mentors say,“content is king” which therefore concludes that the most important part of your eBook is to stay focused on your content and provide valuable information that you can share to your readers. Make sure that your title,topic,theme,and content are all related but at the same time unique so that your readers will not only be delighted with your book but will also recommend you and return to your business taiwebsite. & nbsp;
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Vaihe kaksi: Alusta eBook
When creating your eBook,make sure that the layout,design,and cover are not only visually appealing to the audience but also,your content is personalized and adds value to your readers. Having the same content taigeneral content with other eBooks won’t give you lasting fans. Your layout should also enhance the experience of your readers by giving them a good flow of visual and texts combined.
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Formatting your eBook,a few notes should also be considered:
- Make your cover visual and related to your content. A visually appealing cover will always get you new readers but if your content is not related,they may never last long as your audience.
- Decide on a layout that suits your readers and your theme. If your eBook is a novel taia biography,most formats conclude to text-driven themes but if your eBook is something related to a promotion tailearning,try something visual and equally distributed text on every page. Sometimes readers do tend to look more on the visual example than the text so they may understand what you are promoting taiteaching.
- Make sure to have your table of contents. It may never seem so important to you when you’re creating it but it will always be important to your readers. Scheming through the table of contents is the short cut to knowing that they have the right book on hand before they read,using it as an assurance that their captured attention from your cover is confirmed right.
- Include a title page on the front and ftaievery chapter. The title page includes your name and reminds them of your brand! The page breaks meanwhile,are ways to let your readers know that there’s a whole new topic waiting ftaithem on the next page.
- Include images but make sure to isolate them from the text. Though most of you would want to wrap your text over the image,it is better to give your images its own space as most eBook formats have limitations and may provide you with a different result once converted.
- Indent your paragraphs and make sure your paragraphs are justified. This is one of the most basic writing formats ftaibooks that most people forget. The simple gesture of indenting is a way of separating your paragraphs and it lessens text heavy eyesores.& nbsp;
- Tekijänoikeus eBook ja lisätä sivun, joka osoittaa sen tekijänoikeustiedot. Tämä pelottaa pois kaikki jäljittelijät, jotka yrittävät varastaa ideoitasi! Näyttää todella ammattimaiselta.
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Kolmas vaihe: Oikoluku
Before you publish on anything,proofreading is always a requirement. Even in magazines and newspapers,editors are required to check on their writer’s work. It never harms to read your work over tailet someone else read it ftaiyou. Sometimes,it can also allow you to see and think of better ways to convey your topic. When you do this yourself,make sure you give it another day before reading again. Sometimes,writers become too invested in their work and see things perfect – even if there’s a grammatical errtairight in front of them.
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Vaihe neljä: Muunna PDF-tiedostoksi
Converting is the key to make your eBook secure and superb at the same time. There are different file formats which you can use ftaiyour eBook. It can be in .epub,.mobi,taiit can also be in PDF. These three formats are preferred and are dedicated to eBook readers. Ftaiexample,.mobi is a format which is used in Amazonin which is automatically converted if you upload your eBook there. Not all formats can easily be made but if you simply want something simple,fast and can be easily reached by your audience,PDF file format is your way to go.
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Miksi muuntaa eBook PDF-muotoon?
Aside from the fact that this format suits most devices,it can easily be distributed and PDF files allow any device to read and see your file in the same layout and font that you have made it be. A PDF file will also make sure that your file will be non-editable,leaving your readers only with your final words. Of course,another benefit of having a PDF file is the fact that it is perfect ftaiprinting formats. In case you decide to expand your audience in the print world,it will be ready in this format!
How do I do this ftaifree?
Yksinkertainen tekstimuoto voidaan helposti muuntaa vain muutamalla napsautuksella ja se voidaan tehdä online-PDF-muuntimen kautta, kutennäppärä PDF & rsquo; s sana PDF-muunnin taiPPT-PDF-muunnin. This online tool is free ftaieveryone and it does not need any of your credit card information to use it because it is completely free. You may also sign up and sign in to keep track of your files taiupload them directly to your google drive taiDropbox accounts once the PDF file is generated.
KäyttäenKova PDF & rsquo; s online-työkalut are easy to use and it can be summed up to three simple steps – Upload,convert and save! No need to fret about those complicated steps because Deft PDF has already simplified and made the website user-friendly and easy to use.
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Vaihe viisi: Testaa eBook
The last step before publishing your eBook is to make sure that you have all the written texts and images in the right places,especially if you are converting it into something else other than a PDF format. Make sure to read it again as if you were the customer and look at each page with your most critical eye because once you have published this in the net,you may never take back the possible mistakes that it may have.
Oletko valmis tekemään oman eBook?
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