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How to Split Double Pages in PDF

Scanning books may always turn up with two pages in one sheet and it can be very frustrating for users that need only a part of it. Books are physically binded and often scanned two pages at a time so if you only need one page from that section, you can easily divide and split these by using a PDF tool sepcifically for splitting vertically or horizontally. This tool can be found here at DeftPDF.

Published 07 Mar 2021

Scanning books may always turn up with two pages in one sheet and it can be very frustrating for users that need only a part of it. Books are physically bound and often scanned two pages at a time so if you only need one page from that section, you can easily divide and split these by using a PDF tool specifically for splitting vertically or horizontally. This tool can be found here at DeftPDF.

 splitting scanned books

Dividing PDF pages digitally

You can cut and split PDF sheets into two separate files by using a PDF splitter. Split vertically or horizontally with DeftPDF’s Split in half tool. Set the cutting mark on the preview on-screen and click split – that’s how simple and easy it is to divide your document into two.

Here’s a clear step by step guide to help you with the splitting:

Step one: Go to DeftPDF.com and select Split in Half from all tools

Step two: Upload your PDF file. A preview will appear of your PDF with a line on top. You can drag this line to set where the split and cutting should be made.


Deft PDF split page in half

Step three: Once the line is set, click Split to process the document. Download your work to save on your computer.

The good news here is the fact that this PDF splitter can actually split as many pages simultaneously. It can also exclude pages that should not be divided by encoding the page numbers on more options.

Why is PDF splitting important?

Plenty of reasons urge people to combine, merge and put together different documents into one. One example is a legal document that is combined for the purpose of supporting declarations or providing statements with evidence. Providing combined documents can be convenient in presentations but legally, filing documents for the court should always be on separate pages. This is required by the court so that the files can be indexed appropriately.

PDF splitting also allows people to reorganize different pages and topics and allow them to insert these into presentations according to their need. Additionally, personal filing will also be easier especially if it needs to be filed alphabetically.




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