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How to Earn from PDF

PDF files are known to be the most popular document and this is because back in 2008, this format was opened to the public which later on became the universal format for all platforms. It can be distributed online, printed and can be read on any device. It has been used by plenty of companies and government agencies for surveys, forms, and distribution of information as it has been sought out as the safest way to do so. While corporations see this as their gold mine for gathering information, we may wonder how else can this be utilized for to earn some extra dough.

Published 11 Jul 2020

PDF files are known to be the most popular document and this is because back in 2008, this format was opened to the public which later on became the universal format for all platforms. It can be distributed online, printed, and can be read on any device. It has been used by plenty of companies and government agencies for surveys, forms, and distribution of information as it has been sought out as the safest way to do so. While corporations see this as their gold mine for gathering information, we may wonder how else can this be utilized to earn some extra dough.

saving and earning extra from PDF

Back in 2007, an announcement has been made by Yahoo services to allow ads inserted in PDF which was called “Ads for Adobe PDF.” This new advertising program allowed plenty of publishers to add pay-per-click (PPC) ads in the form of a panel inside the file and allow earning when readers click it. If you’re familiar with web PPC ads, this is not so different from those. To enable the PDF ads, authors will only need to sign up for an account, submit the PDF to Yahoo and a maximum of 5 ads will be displayed. Of course, you won’t be earning in an instant! You still have to distribute them to readers and get some clicks before you get paid.

The Yahoo PDF ads didn’t last very long. The beta phase that allowed only a few U.S. based account holders wasn’t a big hit due to the number of limitations and several requirements. That’s why if you search for that program now, you won’t be seeing anything other than 2007 articles. But don’t worry, this isn’t the end of passive earnings. You can actually do much more with PDF.

Ways to Earn Money from Creating PDF

Let’s start with the basics. (1) eBook. Creating PDF is free and easy to make but the content should be high in quality – something that people would search for and has real answers to their concerns. Nowadays, people look for solutions and not just trends. Earning some extra dough can be gained simply by providing the information people need and it could be in a form of an eBook! Just set a certain fee for every electronic book and allow download once paid!


(2) If writing books isn’t your forte, then you can opt for links instead. Short and simple PDF blogs can contain your website’s links and redirect the reader to buy from your array of products. All you need to do is gather subscribers and convert them into buyers through your PDF’s content.

influencer or focus groups

(3) If you’re an influencer or at least, have a substantial following subscribed to you with their emails listed, then you can take PDF up a notch by getting direct sponsors and advertisers. Let’s say you want to sent a Christmas greeting to all your subscribers, you can actually propose huge brands to participate in this by paying you advertiser’s fees in exchange to adding their logo on the card.

dropshipping and affiliate marketing

(4) Not everyone can be a writer so this last option will be perfect if you don’t have those talents. This option for earning some extra cash is called Dropshipping and affiliate marketing. We know for sure you’ve heard about this but do you know how it works? Both systems works purely online through links and is usually done with websites, blogs, and microblogs. A certain link or code is provided by the brand to the author, which will also be used by the buyer later on. Once the PDF is distributed and the link is clicked by the reader, they will be redirected to the brand’s product and once the buyer makes a purchase using the link (or the code), a certain commission will automatically be given to the author of the PDF. If you have a substantial amount of connections, you can actually create a digital brochure with inspirational pegs then send it to your directory. No writing is needed but a few details may still be required just so your receiver won’t be confused with your email.

creative designer of PDF

(5) The last method is in the form of service. You can be the creative designer of companies that want to have their PDF but don’t exactly know how OR you can also gather information using PDF forms on behalf of companies. This service may not be easy to do for simple Joes though as it requires some artistic skills or some knowledge about the company’s niche.


If you're interested in creating your own PDF for free, you can always try our services here at DeftPDF.com! It's free, it's easy to use and you can maximize your PDF with just a few clicks away. You can also try our translator tool for international documents! 



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