
How to keep your new year’s resolution

If it#38;rsquo;s tips you need, it#38;rsquo;s tips we#38;rsquo;ll give! This year, we know it seems like another COVID infested beginning again and it may keep your hopes down instead of keeping it up for something better. Well, we#38;rsquo;re keeping our hopes up and this year, we promise to be better, just like our tools here at DeftPDF! So, if you#38;rsquo;ve already listed your new year#38;rsquo;s resolution, its time to keep them and achieve them this year! Here are some tips from our team on how to keep your new year#38;rsquo;s resolution until the end!

Published 05 Jan 2022

If it’s tips you need, it’s tips we’ll give! This year, we know it seems like another COVID-infested beginning again and it may keep your hopes down instead of keeping it up for something better. Well, we’re keeping our hopes up and this year, we promise to be better, just like our tools here at DeftPDF! So, if you’ve already listed your new year’s resolutions, it's time to keep them and achieve them this year! Here are some tips from our team on how to keep your new year’s resolution until the end!

1. Keep your new year resolution simple – If you’re trying to achieve goals, be realistic. Don’t set a goal that seems extraordinary unless you have ongoing activities that can really do so. If your job gives you $60,000 a year, don’t set your goal to save $1 million at the end of 2022. Be realistic.

keep it simple

2. Don’t stress – The moment you stress about your goals is the moment you destroy them. The key to having a successful future is to keep calm so your head will be in the game no matter the situation. If your new year’s resolution is about weight loss, don’t stress over it. You might end up stress eating along the way. Don’t pressure yourself. Just do the plan of action and keep on going until you’ve achieved the goal.

stressing on work

3. Celebrate your small achievements – Whether it’s a step further in achieving your goal or a tiny step, celebrate it! You deserve to get a pat on the back for simply doing what you can to keep your resolution. It's like positive reinforcement that trains your brain to keep ongoing. Get a little sip of that wine, do your victory dance, or order a pizza! Whatever reward you want, go for it, just make sure it doesn’t sabotage your goals. 

celebrating with a toast

4. Don’t procrastinate – “I’ll do it later” is a common phrase on workdays. When you procrastinate, you always justify that you’re doing something for yourself – “I’m just resting a bit.” “I’m giving myself a break.” Or “I’ll be more productive after my nap.” But in reality, you’re simply just setting things off and not doing the task that needs to be done. If your new year’s resolution is to be organized about your files, put the file in its folder right away. Remember, it takes only a second to put it away than to organize a whole bunch of files later on. Try saying “I’ll do it now” over and over and see how it will affect your timid body.

keep going

5. Do it Smart – You don’t always have to go through the hard way to achieve goals and doing it smartly is not always cheating your way in. Research and read blogs on how other people made it and you might just be able to learn the simplest and easiest ways to do it. For instance, if your new year’s resolution is to convert 100 files into PDF, then the fastest way to do so is to batch process your documents using DeftPDF tools.  Using our tools, you won’t need to open each one and click print to PDF. That is working smart!

smart teacher


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